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This web page, according to, achieves a carbon rating of B. It is cleaner than 76 % of all web pages globally.


Only 0.22 g of CO₂ is produced every time someone visits the page (vs. the global average crossing 0.846 g of CO₂ per pageview). It appears to be running on sustainable energy.

Over a year, with exemplary 1,000 monthly pageviews, this page produces:

  • 2.69 kg of CO₂ equivalent: as much CO₂ as boiling water for 365 cups of tea,

  • 7 kWh of energy: as much C0₂ as 586 full charges of an average smartphone,

  • 1 tree: it emits the amount of carbon that 1 tree absorbs in a year,

  • 7 kWh of energy: that’s enough electricity to drive an electric car 45 km.


Committed to further reducing environmental impact, I am reviewing and refining this page to reach a carbon rating of A+.

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