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QHM Experiment 

"Exploring fascinating unknowns beyond systems thinking"

The article published on Designing Resilient Regenerative Systems (DRRS), ETH Zurich,  MOOC#2 Beyond Systems Thinking, preparing the ground for conducting Quantum Human Mechanics Experiment

Illustration: Manuel Conrad, Dot&lines, sacred geometry,

How to experience something new while being in the same situation again?

How to break the pattern of your current behaviour and start doing the same thing in a different way?

How to scale-out individually experienced behavioural shifts to a global level of a social paradigm shift on the planetary path to sustainable and regenerative futures?

Tags: superposition, quantum tunnelling, quantum entanglement, shift prerequisite, shift initiation, conscious, uncosncious, form behaviour, social quantum shift, social paradigm shift, exploitative vs. regenerative cultures, beyond systems thinking, social transformation, immersive, multisensory, art

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